Tuesday, February 3, 2009

What really matters?

When you go to church,  what do you pray for.  How about when you are at home?  What really matters?  Our health?  Our wealth?  How about GODS will?  I can tell you that I have been sick for some time.  Here is what has happened since I have been sick.  I have more time to be at church confessing and communing since i cannot work.  I cannot feel my stomach,  no hunger and no fullness,  so no gluttony.  There are other sins but you get the idea.  So how do you decide what really matters in your prayer.  I am not worthy of knowing the answer to this but I can say I do not worry about how sick I am.  GOD has mercy on me for which I am not worthy but he has mercy.  So I pray for others.

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